Monday, June 30, 2008
Stupid day.
You scored as English/Journalism/Comm You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Communication, English, Film, Journalism, Literature, or Writing. <br> <br>It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it. <br><br>Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.

Graph won't show.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1 If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Hate, get angry, rant like a mad person and possibly be dejected and unusually sarcastic. Become a bitch for a week. Or longer. I usually think before I accept.
#2 If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Do well in Sec school. Get into Veterinarian course in Poly.
#3 What will your dream wedding be like?
We'll see =)
#4 Will you rather have a loving girl/boyfriend and little friends, or no girl/guy to love you yet many friends?
I think I'll have the first, if that can ever happen. You don't know when those 'many friends' is just an obvious facade.
#5 What if one day you realised that the person you love turns out to be different from whom you think he/she is?
Comtempelate in silence.
#6 Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved by someone, definately. Loving someone and (most of the time) you don't know how to break it out to someone/impossible to happen things really hurt.
#7 Subway cookies or Famous Amos?
-What a strange question...- Famous Amos o_o
#8 Have you had a guy friend that you want to be closer to?
Yup. He has a stead now though.
#9 Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
A lot of things. I'm unhappy most of the time, more than my usual blank-ness nowadays.
#10 What do you want 2ND most in life?
Learn the violin and be extremely proficient at it.
#11 Do you like being tagged?
Depends on the content. Like this. Quizzies. >.>;
#12 How do you see yourself in ten years' time?
Out from my parent's place and pursuing a degree. (Or out of the country and somewhere else.)
#13 Who is currently the 3RD most important person to you?
That's being contended by two people. They aren't really on good terms right now.
#14 What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is (answer in opposites)?
-Answer in opposites?- Slouchy. (Hyper-active)
#15 Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
For now, I think Single (the rich part isn't really needed) since I'm not desperate for a relationship. Hormones not talking that bad yet.
#16 What's the first thing you do every morning?
... Smash alarmclocks? Or rub my eyes?
#17 Would you give all in a relationship?
If I know it's not a one-sided affair, yes.
#18 Who would you consider your best friend in your current occupation?
At current, my books. I don't socialize well.
#19 What type of friends do you like?
Honest and Humorous. Or Quiet but cheerful. Just seriously not those fair-weather friends. I DETEST them. -[Copyright Eden/Twilight]
#20 How many questions have you changed?
~I won't force anyone to do this quiz.
This was due for awhile ><; Sorry Min.
Name 20 people you can think of right now.
Dont read the questions until you have named the 20 people.
1. Eden
2. Jaton
3. Benedict
4. Leone
5. 'Shizuna'
6. Yu
7. Min xD
8. Sing Yong 'Kyosa'
9. Merie
10. Lenalorie 'Lena' t('.'t)
11. Arykanae
12. Xeps. [This is so effing random LOL.]
13. Nisah (?)
14. Soraa O.o
15. Senny
16. Lauren
17. Jifo
18. Matthew [Rykel]
19. Zelia...
20. Joshuaa O.o [Wolfie]
How did you meet 14?
Audition.. ^^;
What would you do if you never met 1?
I'll never live through Primary School. She was my entertainment system. XDD [hides]
What if 9 & 20 dated?
They just might get along o.O... Since they have some common interests. Merie is quiet though.
Would 6 & 17 date?
... AHAHAHAHHAHAAAAA- - No. Jifo is.... How do we say, .... Difficult, at times. [Make that just about ALL the time.]
Describe 3.
A self-proclaimed 'Horny bastard' and can spontaenously twist almost any word to relate with Sexuality issues.
Is 8 attractive?
Uhm... Better than me, but she SHOULD stop ACBC-ing so much. She can look disgusting... [In my opinion.]
Describe 7.
Hell partner, obsessed with EDWARD AND KANAME. [Psycho-s her to write a JacobxEdward Fic. MUAHAHHAHAHAAA.] Also dumps Quizzes on me like no one's biz >:
Know any of 12's Family members?
OMG. One. Sister. Grace.
What would you do if 18 confessed his/her love for you?
Die of shock? He has a stead tho' so.... Likely won't happen ^^;
What language does 15 speak?
English. With a touch of Japanese and French.
Who is 9 going out with?
No one at current O.o
When is the last time you spoke to 13?
Today. After I messed her hair O.o... [Classmate.]
Who's 2's Favourite band/Singer?
Um.. I don't know... I only know he likes the piano though =( [Feels ashamed]
Would you ever date 4?
.... -skips-
Would you ever date 1?
She's not interested in such kinda stuff O.o...
Is 19 single?
I think so. Don't really care. She can switch guys like a washing machine does to detergent.
What is 10's last name?
Would you ever be in a rls with 11?
[What's RLS...] Aryk is female...
3's School?
Same school, Hai Sing Catholic. [Classmate.]
Where does 6 live?
... I... don't... remember... [Cries]
What's your favourite thing about 5?
We dance together ^^ Choreography can be fun although tiring sometimes.
Have you seen 2 naked?
... Noooooo. Don't ask anymore >:
-Once again, no forcing for the quiz stuff.-
Quiz tyme OVAR.
My mind's unweaving/ 8:47 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sorry. Ignore the last post.
Should have just ate cookies or something.
My mind's unweaving/ 6:02 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Homework sucks. So I decided to do this quiz that a friend wanted me to.
~> Please note that she is another kindof person who gives no shit to her schoolwork and can burn it in a fire for all she can care. If she wouldn't be killed by not doing it.

Wonder if it shows.
My mind's unweaving/ 11:52 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
I r back.
AND GUESS WHAT. I FINISHED EDEN'S QUIZ. So much for 000.02%...
Hai desu!~ :
1.What is the connection between you & the last person that called you ?
Death Partner.
2.Did you ever turn off your cell phone ?
Not really. Silent mode, though.
3.What happened at 10.00am today ?
On the bus to meet a few people for Study.
4.When did you last cry ?
A week ago?
5.What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter ?
… I eat peanut butter?
6.What do you want in your life right now ?
There’s plenty!~
7.Do you carry an umbrella out when it rains, or just put on your hood ?
Neither. If I have cloths to wrap my electronics, I walk through it.
8.What's your favourite thing to put on your bed ?
Uh… BlanketPillowWhale?
9.What bottoms are you wearing now ?
10.What is the nicest text in your inbox says ?
From a friend, ‘fkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfkfk _l_’ [Not towards me. We were talking about someone.]
11.Do you tend to make relationships complicated ?
… I have relationships? Wow.
12.Are you wearing something that you borrowed from someone ?
13.What was the last movie you last caught ?
14.What are you proud of ?
My arcade skills… wut? =/
15.What does the oldest text message in your inbox says ?
Uh… another friend… ‘Sing me Schwarzweiss!’
16.What is the last song you sang out loud ?
Whisung’s 7 Days…
17.Do you have any nice names ? What are they ?
Altariel? Riviera? Yoriko? Depends on your genre.
18.What was the last receive text message ? Who was it from?
Go back to the 1st one.
19.What time did you go to bed last night ?
Mm, 5.45a.m.
20.Are you currently happy ?
Content, but not apparently shoot-myself happy.
21.Who gives you the best advice ?
Death partner, Eden.
22.Do you eat whipped cream straight away from the can ?
... … Apparently not.
23.Who did you talk on phone last night ?
24.Is anything bugging you right now ?
25.What's bugging you right now ?
Why I had to do this quiz in the first place.
26.Do you wear toe socks ?
… Seriously, what are they?
27.Who was the last person you last had a missed call from ?
My mom.
28.Have you ever had your heartbroken ?
Once. That’s enough.
29.What annoys you most in a person ?
Someone who acts cute too much and thinks they really are. Stuck-ups.
30.Do you have a crush on anyone ?
Yes, actually.
31.Have you ever done cocaine ?
… -Makes you eat her fist-
32.What is the colour of your room ?
33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar ?
Why not? Not really for the billion dollars. More for the satisfaction of killing said person.
34.Do you believe in the saying "talk is cheap" ?
Yupyup. NATO-s. [No Action, Talk Only.]
35.Who was the last person who lay in your bed ?
Me, Myself and I.
36.Who was the last person who hugged you ?
I don’t remember. Usually I don’t allow it.
37.Did anyone see the last person you kissed ?
40.What is the reason behind your profile song?
Because it sounds nice…?
41.Who was the last person you saw in your dreams ?
A visualization of a fictional character in my own stories. Lasted too short.
42.Last time I smiled ?
This afternoon.
43.Have you ever change this year ?
Apparently, aside from swearing a lot more?
44.What are you listening to right now ?
’Purity of your Smile.’
45.Are you talking to someone while doing this ?
Does mumbling about the questions to no one in particular count?
46.Do you walk with your eyes open or closed ?
Open, mostly. Closed only when I’m concentrating on something.
47.Is there any quote you live by ?
Not really a fixed one. I change this a lot.
48.Do you want someone you can't have ?
Mmhmm. I made one of fictional characters so perfect even I want him. [Ha! Seductive, honestly.]
49.Have you ever played an instrument ?
50.What is the worst idea you have this week ?
Doing something to my brother. Since it’s a bad idea I’ll spare you the agony of telling ya’.
51.What are you doing last night 11.00p.m?
On my bed with the laptop.
52. Are you happy with your love life ?
Don’t really have a love life to begin with. [Wait, I have no life! What am I talking about?!]
53.What song do your describe your love life ?
No life. Settled, Sealed.
54.Does the person know you like him/her ?
No lIfE, damnit!
55.Who always make you laugh ?
56.Do you speak other language other than English ?
57.Are you blonde ?
58.What's your full name ?
Altariel __ __ __.
59.What are you doing tomorrow ?
Out with bro for studying again.
60.What do you think you are like ?
Hyper-yet-emo. [Look, make it short. MOODSWING.]
61.Who do you chose to die with ?
I have 2 Hell partners and 1 Death partner. What say you?
62.Where have you been today ?
White Sands.
63.What do you play often ?
PSP, Computer.
64.Who are you missing right now ?
65.If you've choosen between LOVE & FRIENDSHIP,who will you choose?
Friendship. Obviously.
66.What are you doing right now ?
Typing on the computer answering a quiz with approximately 100 questions while I’m only at the 66.
67.Which primary school are you from ?
68.Name 3 colour you like.
Black, White, Red.
69.What emotion you like to show ?
=3 , ¯\(º_o)/¯, XD, :D, o_o, O.o…
70.What is life to you ?
Slacker’s heaven with annoyances at times. [MANY, times.]
71.If you have something troubling you,what will you do ?
Mull it over.
72.Who did you last chat in msn ?
73.Who do you admire most ?
Genesis Rhapsodos, on being able to repeat Loveless Act I ~ IV verses again and again without boring anyone.
74.Which month are you born in ?
75.How are you feeling right now ?
Tiresome. Irritated.
76.What is the time right now ?
77.Where are you right now?
My brother’s bedroom.
78.What colour did you use to dye your hair?
I want to have a brown-red or… black-blue…79.Why are you doing this test ?
Someone made me, damnit!
80.What you do when you are moody ?
Curse and swear. Rant and yell.
81.At which age you wish to get married ?
I treasure my freedom.
82.Who is more important to you ?
Boyfriend/Friend ?Friend. And Boy Friends. Not conjoined.
83.Do you think you have enough confidence ?
84.Who is the person you trusted most ?
‘You trusted’ ?... You mean used to? Many.
85.Do you believe in seeing rainbow after rain ?
No. I have a longer answer somewhere, but I’m tired to re-type it.
86.If you can have a dream come true, what would it be ?
To live in Rune-Midgard.
87.Is there a person who really knows you?
88.Do you believe in eternity love ?
Only one.
89.What feeling do you love most ?
Hate. Makes me smile.
90.Do you really think it's global warming now ?
To the extent of L and Light fighting about it? Of course.
91.What is the feeling you hate most ?
92.Do you cherish every single friend of yours ?
93.Do you believe in god ?
No. ‘S/he’ is too indefinite. Too PERFECT to believe.
94.Who care for you most ?
Unaware at present.
95.What do you think is the most important things in your life ?
My hands. My imagination. My sight.
96.What will you bring when you fight ?
97.What have you regretted doing in your whole life ?
I regret going to school and doing homework.
98.Who is the person who sent you the most messages in your inbox ?
99.What if your stead two-timed you ?
I'll pulverize him, crucify him, and let him die a slow and painful death. [© Myself.]
100. What is the question you hate the most?
Love Life. And everything else that invaded my privacy.
Today I went for study with my group. [4 females, 5~6 guys?]
We took the kiddie area where there are small chairs for us to sit XD We fought there mostly. I only managed to finish 4 english QUESTIONS before the guys got bored and dragged us off >>;
So we spent the day freaking around.... More than studying. lulz.
And I finally got the 2nd volume of Ouran High. So hard to find, godamnit >>;
-Altariel, Riviera.
My mind's unweaving/ 10:05 PM
I SERIOUSLY should not have done the first Quiz.
Nao SEE.
There are another 2 REQUESTS HERE.
.... -Realise in my last one : The I have, I want, and I wish has the same category. I wanted to put all of the questions related to it, but was told not to. :|
Fien. Since I don't have much time, Minn, my sista's first!~
And wait, 'dear' death partner Eden. Your 100-q quiz will come...
Hai Desuu!~ *claps hands* -:
Starting time: 4:14 Am
Name: Rebecca Altariel.
Sisters: 0
Brothers: 1
Shoe size: And why must you know?
Height: 163.4cm [And PROUD of it. Also a 'thin stick.']
Where do you live? East Sectorrz.
Favourite drinks? Cranberry & Apple Juice. Also, OJ.
Favourite breakfast? ... Wait, do I even eat it?
Have you ever been on a plane? Mmhmm.
Swam in the ocean? Recently~
Fallen asleep at school? ... I'm amazed you actually ask this question.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? Particularly by death partners.
Saved e-mails? A few, normally links or other stuff.
What is your room like? Messy. Realllyyy Messy. With books and papers around.
What’s right beside you? A bracelet someone gave me. And my handphone. [Some person here wanna me to open teh door but don't want to ding-dong huh...]
What is the last thing you ate? ... Jambu? [A kind of fruit.]
Ever had ...Chicken pox? Yes. Don't wanna remember.
Sore throat? Always.
Stitches? Mmhmm.
Broken nose? Nu-uh.
Do you believe in love at first sight? I guess?
Like picnics? When they exclude the &^#$&#^&$^#&$^#& cousins. :]
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with? My brother. It went pretty wild. You don't want to know.
Last made you smile? Komix. About a reality-version of Snow White. With a prince that ran out of cigarettes. And a particularly torture-obsessed King. <~ Also a perv.
You last yelled at? Brother. Cussed at? My dad.
Today you did? Wake up. Sleep. Mom disturbed. Bathe. I need a life.
Have you ever ... ..Kissed anyone? ... lulz.
Get sick? ALWAYS. ALWAYS. Because the World deprives me of a life.
Miss someone? My After-life. [Some THING.]
Eat? Hmm. Pamelos.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: MY WHALE. Don’t ask or get married to my fist.
What’s under your bed? Dust bunnies.
Who do you really hate? Do you really wanna know? (-^^-)
What time is it now? 4.29.07 Am. (GMT+0800) <~ I AM ACCURATE. HA.
Random. [Screw that. It's another quiz. She joined it together. Damn.]
Is there a person who is on your mind now? Marrying my fist to the person who wrote this.
Do you have any siblings? 1 idiotic brother. [I WISH I WAS NOT RELATED TO HIM.]
Do you want children? If they are gonna be brats like my cousins. You’ll see flying-UFO-silhouettes at night.
Do you smile often? … Nope.
Do you like your hand-writing? … If I did, why am I not writing this on paper and not scanning it?
Are your toe nails painted? OF COURSE. THEY ARE BLACK. Nah. I’m not that despo. Nope.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in? My bro’s if I won’t get a head-concussion when I wake up. [His is near to the ceiling. REALLLYYY near.]
What color shirt are you wearing now? Yellow.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday? Playing. On my bed. Don’t get wild thoughts now.
When did you cry last? You don’t need to know. *Gives you a sick face*
Are you a friendly person? … Depends. ^,…,^
Do you have any pets? Yup.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now? At home? Getting laid? Drunk? Who gives a damn.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? No. Not particularly. Unless you meant had contact with my hands. [Particularly the knuckle area.]
Do you sleep with the TV on? What’s a TV? Oh wait, you mean that black-square that makes flashy-shineh lites?! :DDDDDDDDD
What are you doing right now? … _l_
Have you ever crawled through a window? Yep. Class-break-in. It was a joint operation by a 1N1 in HaiSing Catholic.
Can you handle the truth? Mmhmm.
Are you too forgiving? Yup!! Always!! After he smells the floor that is… I’ll forgive him (-^_^-) [If he’s not to high-heaven yet. Or is still around to hear me go ‘I forgive yew naoo.’]
Are you closer to your mother or father? Mom.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? My PILLOWz. [It r Made ov WIN!]
How many people can you say you’ve really loved? … Let me get back to you on that. [LAME EXCUSE ONCE AGAIN.]
Do you eat healthy? NOPE.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? Always. My eyes have auto-drainage systems.
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely go to? MY PILLOWz. [Nah~ I don’t sleep that much.]
Are you loud or quiet most of the time? Quiet unless I know you. Then you’ll know what’s being loud.
Are you confident? How many times have I ranted about having low self-esteem? Lemme count… Oh wait, I need to use my toes too…
... Because I wanna eat my pamelos.
ANYWAY. [Ignore that small print there. THERE. See?]
Eden, your &#^$&#^&$ Quiz will be attempted tomorrow.
Percentage of -possible- completion : 0.00002%
Today was mundane... Inclusive of parent-nagginess, ultimate slogginess, laziness, drawing-failness and the like.
Not to mention I have an appointment in 5.45hours. Joy.
Thank yew for thy tyme!
-Altariel, Riviera.
My mind's unweaving/ 4:00 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I was drifting around and I found another quiz by Twilight, or Eden now. NOOO.
Ah, who cares. :-
#1. I Am
An anti-social person.
#2. I Want
A life.
#3. I Have
No life.
#4. I Wish
For a life.
#5. I Hate
Idiots. Morons. Typical Hates.
#6. I Fear
Closed spaces.
#7. I Hear
Sounds. What did you expect, spirits?
#8. I Search
For a meaning in Life ._.
#9. I Wonder
Why are people so hard to understand sometimes.
#10. I Regret
Doing homework. And comtempelating life so much. [It's BORING.]
#11. I Love
Drawing, Reading, Crapping,Internet-ing.
#12. I Ache
What is this? My back? Or what? My neck? I don't geddit. -skips~- [LAME EXCUSE!~]
#13. I Always
Slack. What else. Play. Rant.
#14. I Usually
Lament my internet's death. [Crap!]
#15. I Am Not
A person you should look for when you want to be motivated.
#16. I Dance
When I feel like it.
#17. I Sing
When I am ALONE.
#18. I Never
Wear Pink. EVER.
#19. I Rarely
Give a damn about a stranger's opinion.
#20. I Cry
About random things.
#21. I Am Not Always
#22. I Lose
To people I underestimate.
#23. I'm Confused
About the way people's mind works.
#24. I Need
Moar comics. A Life. A DS. Moar Games. Entertainment, in basic sense.
#25. I Should
Work harder and Pay more attention to the crap around me. Now THAT's a theory.
SO MUCH FOR "The Breeze is good!''
-Altariel, Riviera
My mind's unweaving/ 10:24 PM
I'm back... AND SICK AGAIN. [$#&*$#*$&*#&$**$&#*&$*!! -Add random spam here-]
Position in schewl : Prefect on Probation -_-;; CHER! I DIDN'T WANT IT!
Quiz that Elvy wanted me to do 101 years ago... How sad. Cannot Copy-Paste the Quiz questions... Oh well, SUPER-TYPE-TIME! :-
1. Do you like your present school?
Not Exactly. We have ups and downs, but I'll say downs mostly.
2. Who's the person you trust most?
Myself. And one more person.
3. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
Obviously. Though I do have attitude problems myself, I admit.
4. Are you afraid of Death?
5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?
As in, visually or literally? Visually - Yes. Literally - I'm a pessimist. I don't think so. It just depends on how heavy the rain is to me.
6. Do you believe in eternal love?
One and only one.
7. Have you ever broken someone's heart that s/he wants to commit suicide?
Who knows. I don't. Maybe I did, maybe not.
8. What do you enjoy doing the most?
Playing... drawing... reading.
9. What's your favourite season?
Winter, as it's cold and... serene.
10. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
I admit I don't make as much effort as the other party sometimes. But I try.
11. Who would you probably spend with the rest of your life?
I have no idea. Maybe with my brother? But I doubt he wants to be around with me since he
would have for two decades or more, hehe.
12. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
My imagination... It keeps me sane.
13. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
My friends that I can trust...
14. Do you find life meaningless?
Possibly. Maybe. Probably. But not everyone has the chance we have now so live it with a
15. What will your perfect future be like?
Contentment, joy, happiness, someone so I won't be lonely.
16. Who do you want the most now?
I won't tell you! <3
17. What is your goal this year?
I have plenty, but the gist's to do well academically and socially.
18. What is currently on your mind right now?
Sleep. It's late. [At 10pm? OH PLEASE.]
-Altariel, Riviera
~Atillia Iris and Valkyrie Profile~
My mind's unweaving/ 9:58 PM